At AnaOno, we’re always looking for ways to continue to support our community, which is why we’ve partnered with Natrelle Breast Augmentation & Reconstruction for the Natrelle Inspires bra to bring beauty (and comfort) into the lives of those newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
With every Natrelle Inspires limited-edition bra purchased, a newly diagnosed patient will be gifted an AnaOno bra of their choosing, powered by Natrelle, to help aid in their recovery. By purchasing a bra to support yourself, you’re also supporting others. The Natrelle Inspires bra with a signature teal bow, features a wireless cup design with modesty pad inserts, which fit reconstructed breasts, au natural breasts or lightweight breast forms.
Newly Diagnosed? Fill out this form to register for a sponsored bra from Natrelle. Applications will be reviewed and fulfilled as bras become available and on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Meet our Natrelle Inspires models. These four incredible women have all undergone breast surgeries including Natrelle Breast Implants for various reasons. Read their stories below, then check out the bra here.
Meet Melissa
Why is this program important to you?
"This program is important to me because it will provide so many women with beautiful AnaOno Intimates bras that I believe everyone deserves to have after their breast reconstruction surgery. "
How has your life been impacted by breast cancer?
"It changed my life forever. It was one of the hardest chapters that I ever had to endure, but it has also led me to an incredible community of women that I wouldn’t trade for the world!"
What did modeling in our photoshoot mean to you?
"Modeling in this campaign was truly an honor. Since I love my Natrelle implants, and I also love to wear AnaOno bras every single day, it was simply a match made in heaven! I felt super feminine during the shoot. This bra is so classic, elegant and timeless. I’m happy to add it to my current collection!"
Why did you choose to undergo surgery?
"After my breast cancer diagnosis, I chose surgery because I wanted my reconstructed breasts to look and feel as natural as possible."
What do you do to feel confident and embrace your body?
"I think positive thoughts when I get dressed each morning. I take care of myself, even spoil myself sometimes. Self-love is essential to embracing the new you. It takes time, but if you just start each day with the “you’ve got this” attitude, it really helps you to evolve and accept the beautiful woman that you are and always have been!"

Meet Dr. Alexea Gaffney
Why is this program important to you?
"This program is important to me because as a young Black woman who has experienced breast cancer and undergone reconstructive surgery, I know that representation matters. It is so important to see images of women you can relate to when you are exploring surgical options and trying to get a sense of what your surgical outcomes and scars might look like."
How has your life been impacted by breast cancer?
"Being diagnosed with stage III Breast Cancer at 37 transformed my life and my world view. Cancer taught me to be vulnerable! Cancer taught me to prioritize my own health and wellness and quality of life above other things. Cancer pushed me out of my comfort zone into Passionately Purposed work including breast cancer education, coaching and advocacy! Now, through my speaking, teaching and writing, I get to help other women experiencing, surviving and thriving with breast cancer achieve total health and wellness - mind, body and spirit!"
What did modeling in our photoshoot mean to you?
"Before the shoot I was excited but apprehensive! I wondered if I was “right” for this campaign and started to question things about my body and how my imperfections might be captured or affect the shoot. While en route, I spoke with a member of the Natrelle team who is also a recent Breast Cancer Survivor and the work they are doing with Dana & AnaOno and in exchanging our stories, it became quite clear to me what this project is about and how it will benefit women undergoing breast reconstruction surgeries, including those with implants like myself! The team was amazing and supportive and everyone worked so hard to bring AnaOno and Natrelle’s vision to life. I felt beautiful, confident, sexy and grateful for my body, all that it has endured and the fact that we survived! During the shoot and throughout the day, the staff and team made me feel so comfortable. I was able to bond with another breast cancer survivor, Melissa, in real life after connecting via social media recently. We also connected with and shared great stories and energy with the other models. It was so uplifting to encourage and compliment one another and celebrate each of our unique stories and surgical experiences."
Why did you choose to undergo surgery?
"When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 37, I wanted to remove as much of the cancer from my body as possible and reduce my risk of a future breast cancer but maintain my natural appearance and feminine physique."
What do you do to feel confident and embrace your body?
"I stare at myself, my body in the mirror every day. I resist the urge to turn and look away. I embrace my scars and thank my body for its strength and resilience during cancer and cancer treatment. I wear clothes and beautiful bras that give me the look and feel that compliment my mood or what I’m up to on any given day! I take pictures and admire the woman that I see smiling and staring back at me. I remember all that I have survived and how good my body looks and feels in spite of all that it has been through!"

Meet Danielle Hoagey
Why is this program important to you?
"This program is important to me because I feel all women should feel confident in themselves whether it’s after a mastectomy or nursing children. Everyone deserves to feel sexy."
How has your life been impacted by breast cancer?
"One of my good friends had breast cancer and underwent treatment."
What did modeling in our photoshoot mean to you?
"Modeling made me feel so special and sexy. I’ve never felt so good about myself."
Why did you choose to undergo surgery?
"I chose to undergo surgery to regain confidence after nursing my three kids for 17 months each."
What do you do to feel confident and embrace your body?
"I like to talk about how my breast augmentation makes me feel and to let my friends and other women know it’s okay to get an augmentation to feel more confident and sexier. Empowering others makes me feel good."

Meet McKensi Trythall-Geary
Why is this program important to you?
"In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, my mother is a survivor and going strong!"
How has your life been impacted by breast cancer?
"My mother is a survivor. It made me more understanding as I did more research on breast cancer. To also admire the courage one has going through this and be the support system they need."
What did modeling in our photoshoot mean to you?
"It was an honor to be a part of this photoshoot. I didn't know too much about it until that day. My surgeon had suggested I'd be a good fit for the campaign and figured it would be a great opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone. Once I was told what the shoot was about and why AnaOno was doing it, it really touched me.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor since 2000. At that time, I was a Freshman in High School and my father had just passed a sudden death. Being the strong-willed woman my mother is, she kept this from me and my little sister to not worry us. I found out a few years later and couldn't believe she braved this without us knowing. (Not to mention, hid it so well.) She had a mastectomy and goes to her regular checkups which we pray her results are in the clear!
When I met Dana at the photoshoot, I couldn't believe how down to earth and real she is. Everyone there was extremely friendly and welcoming! Dana told me her story and how she started AnaOno. I felt honored to be there. Once the shoot was over, I called my Mom to tell her what I was able to be a part of and she wanted to know every detail!"
What do you do to feel confident and embrace your body?
"Everybody has a unique body. I like to focus on my favorite parts, set time for self-improvement and slow down. To me, "slowing down" means every so often taking deep breaths to re-center and refocus. Get plenty of rest because when I am awake, I give the world all I've got. As I am getting older, I listen to my body when it needs a rest versus the younger years just pushing into overdrive."

Looking for more information on Natrelle? We got you covered, you can visit our Natrelle page on our website, or check out the Natrelle Breast Augmentation and Natrelle Breast Reconstruction on social. Feel free to tag us in your photos using #NatrelleInspiresBra and #NatrelleInspires.
Anaono Natrelle Natrelle Breast Reconstruction Natrelle Breast Augmentation