The (re)Issue

Should I Remove My Textured Implants? Should I Remove My Textured Implants?
When understanding surgery options and the risks associated with a mastectomy, you don’t necessarily expect implants to be one of them. This morning, Allergan, a leading manufacturer of breast implants, announced they are voluntarily recalling their textured breast implants from future use in breast surgeries, including breast augmentation and reconstruction. 
Comfortable Bras with No Underwire - AnaOno Comfortable Bras with No Underwire - AnaOno

Get helpful tips for finding a post-surgery bra that doesn’t feature an uncomfortable underwire when you read through this guide from AnaOno.

Cooling Mastectomy Bra For Hot Flashes Cooling Mastectomy Bra For Hot Flashes
We’re pretty sure we can all agree there is nothing WORSE than having to wear a hot, sweaty, itchy uncomfortable bra for hours and hours while experiencing chemo-induced hot flashes, while healing from multiple breast surgeries and harsh cancer treatments. Before you commit to clicking the ‘add to cart’ button while online shopping, make sure you know what size you are.
The Surgeon's View: Reconstructed Patients The Surgeon's View: Reconstructed Patients
We know that sometimes, it may feel that our doctors don’t always get it. Especially how we may feel after leaving their office. This is not the case with Dr. Jonathan Bank, a plastic surgeon who’s on a mission to help those of us with mastectomies embrace our scars and newly reconstructed breasts (aka (f)oobs) with pride & confidence.  And we just had to share it with you!
Meet Bianca Meet Bianca
Meet our Never Alone community member, advocate, and social media queen Bianca! Bianca has been a part of the Never Alone community for a while now, first by modeling, but more recently she has taken over our social media and man is she killing the game! Let's give it up for Bianca!
The Great Breast Search: Exploring My Options After Mastectomy The Great Breast Search: Exploring My Options After Mastectomy

While undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, I gave little to no thought about reconstruction. Being subjected to more surgeries and spending more time in doctor’s offices held little appeal and I had grown accustomed to my mastectomy scar.